


國立中央大學National Central University


化學工程與材料工程學系Chemical and Materials Engineering


徵求 助理教授(含)以上專任教師1Tenure-track Faculty Position


 1. 應徵資格:國內外化工、高分子、材料、物理、化學等領域博士

 2. 起聘日期:預計民國107年2月

 3. 應徵者請於106年8月31日前備妥以下文件以 e-mail 或郵寄達本系(郵戳為憑)

   「32001桃園縣中壢市中大路300號國立中央大學化材系 新聘教師遴選委員會」

 4. 應備申請資料:

  • 詳細履歷表(含姓名、通訊方式、重要學經歷、專長領域、可開授課程等相關資料)
  • 著作一覽表(若為第一或通訊作者,請於編號前註明 * 號)
  • 大學、碩士、博士歷年成績單
  • 三篇近5年之代表著作影本

 5. 本系收件後,如遇合適條件者,將另個別通知面試及邀請提供推薦信,不合者恕不退件。

 6. The Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering at National Central University, Taiwan, invites applications for a tenure-track position at all levels. We seek outstanding candidates working on the broad fields of Chemical Engineering, Polymer Science, Materials Engineering, Physics and Chemistry. National Central University, located in the close proximity to the main international airport and the capital city of Taipei, is one of the leading research universities in Taiwan and provide a well-resourced environment for teaching and research. The Department, with its state-of-the-art facilities and supportive staffs, is committed to fostering interdisciplinary studies and to developing collaborations among research groups, departments and universities as well as with industries.

 7. All applicants must have a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in the related fields by the expected start date of the position. Postdoctoral experiences in the related field are preferred but not required. Application materials should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, undergraduate and graduate transcripts, statements of research (including past research accomplishments and future research plans) and teaching, list of publications (with asterisks marked on the numbering whenever applicants are the first or corresponding authors of the publications) and copies of three selected research articles published within 5 years. The application materials may be sent electronically to ncu4200@ncu.edu.tw or by mail to Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, National Central University, 32001 No.300, Jhongda Rd., Jhongli District, Taoyuan City 320, Taiwan (R.O.C.), no later than August 31, 2017 (for the postmarked date if submitted by mail). (Please be noticed the application materials will not be returned to applicants.) Qualified applicants will be requested to provide recommendation letters and invited for an on-site visit, where a talk is expected. The position will start on February 1, 2018; no delay of the date will be considered. Candidates are responsible for their availability on the start date.

 8. Faculty Search Committee,

Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering,

National Central University,

300, Jhongda Road, Jhongli District,

Taoyuan City 32001, Taiwan


聯絡人/ Contact Person:中央大學化材系/ Dep. of Chemical and Materials Engineering

電話/ Tel:03-4227151轉34200



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